Welcome to KGLI

Yobel Ministry

The KGLI is a cutting edge institute established to raise a new generation of kingdom leaders who will contend to do the greater works that Jesus alluded to in John 14:12.The curriculum will include both cutting edge revelatory teachings and impartation to empower leaders to see in the supernatural realm what the Father is doing and to emulate Him.

Upon completion of this two-year course, leaders can expect to have learnt how to walk, lead and minister in the supernatural power of His Kingdom and Glory.  Whether they are ministering in the marketplace, evangelizing in the community or planting a church, they will make an powerful impact where God has positioned them.

Year one was completed in 2014 and is now available as an online course with over 200 hours of high definition video.

Year two is starting on 5th March 2015 and will build upon the teaching from year one with many new modules and speakers.

Raising a Generation of Kingdom Leaders